Monday, 16 September 2013

BackTrack 5 Wireles Penetration Testing


                           " BackTrack 5 Wireles                              Penetration Testing "

Master bleeding edge wireless testing techniques with BackTrack 5 :

Chapter 1: 
Wireless Lab Setup  
Hardware requirements  
Software requirements  
Installing BackTrack  
Time for action – installing BackTrack  
Setting up the access point  
Time for action – configuring the access point  
Setting up the wireless card  
Time for action – configuring your wireless card  
Connecting to the access point  
Time for action – configuring your wireless card  


Wireless Lab Setup :-

Hardware requirements
We will need the following hardware to set up the wireless lab:

 ‹ Two laptops with internal Wi-Fi cards: We will use one of the laptops as the victim 
in our lab and the other as the penetration tester's laptop. Though almost any 
laptop would fit this profile, laptops with at least 3 GB RAM is desirable. This is 
because we may be running a lot of memory-intensive software in our experiments.
 ‹ One Alfa wireless adapter: We need a USB Wi-Fi card that can support packet injection 
and packet sniffing, and that is supported by Backtrack. The best choice seems to be 
the Alfa AWUS036H card from Alfa Networks as BackTrack supports this out-of-the-
box. This is available on for a retail price of $34 at the time of writing.
 ‹ One access point: Any access point which supports WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption 
standards would fit the bill. I will be using a D-LINK DIR-615 Wireless N Router for 
the purpose of illustration in this entire book. You can purchase it from 
where it is retailing at around $35 at the time of writing.
 ‹ An Internet connection: This will come in handy to perform research, download 
software, and for some of our experiments.

Software requirements :
We will need the following software to set up the wireless lab :

 ‹ BackTrack 5: BackTrack can be downloaded from their official website located at The software is open source and you 
should be able to download it directly from the website.
 ‹ Windows XP/Vista/7: You will need any one of Windows XP, Windows Vista, or 
Windows 7 installed in one of the laptops. This laptop will be used as the victim 
machine .

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